Personal information
She was born in Ioannina in 1992, comes from Xirolofos of Paramythia in Thesprotia and is a mother of one child.
Education – Certifications
She graduated from the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of the Democritus University of Thrace, with a specialization in "Sports Tourism and Recreation".
Master Program entitled "Exercise and Quality of Life" of the Departments of Physical Education and Sports Science of the Democritus University of Thrace and the University of Thessaly with direction "Organization of Physical Activity and Recreational Sports".
Holder of license to practice the profession of sport climbing coach from the General Secretary of Sports of the Ministry of Culture and Sports.
Doctor of Philosophy of the School of Physical Education and Sports Science of the Democritus University of Thrace, in the field of "Therapeutic Kinetic Recreation", during which she studied the effect of exercise through digital interactive games on the quality of life of children with cancer.
"Certificate in Coaching, AC Accredited", National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
"Health, wellness, exercise and longevity coaching", National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
"Health Coaching for health professionals", National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Scientific work
She is an author and co-author of 1 academic textbook and 16 scientific papers and 19 announcements with the peer review system, in international and Greek scientific journals and conferences respectively. In particular, her research interest is focused on issues related to exercise, recreation, therapeutic kinetic recreation, psychosomatic health, quality of life and outdoor activities organization and management.
Mountaineering experience
Regarding her mountaineering action, she has successfully climbed the following peaks:
Work experience
She worked at the Sport Tourism and Recreation Laboratory of the School of Physical Education and Sport Sciences of Democritus University of Thrace, as a master and as d Ph.D. Candidate, in charge of the operation of the laboratory.
Coach for the pre-competition and competition climbing groups at the Greek Mountaineering Association of Komotini.
Scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y.) within the framework of the Erasmus Plus Traineeships 2017-2018 program, for the implementation of an internship abroad entitled: "Organization of outdoor recreational activities in Cordoba", at the outdoor activities company AulaVertical, Cordoba, Spain.
Judge of the Balkan Climbing Competition – Balkan Youth Championship – Boulder and of the 19th Pan-Hellenic Bouldering Competition, Prosotsani.
Judge of the 10th Sport Climbing Cup - Youth Development, which was organized in the indoor gym of the 1st high school of Komotini – 2nd EPAL.
Scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y.) within the framework of the Erasmus Plus Traineeships 2018-2019 program, for the implementation of an internship abroad entitled: "Setups and techniques in rock climbing and rappelling", at the outdoor activities company AulaVertical, Cordoba, Spain.
Teaching staff member in the course "PHYSICAL TRAINING" for the training series of the year 2019 at the Police Probation Department of Komotini.
Teaching staff member in the course "N058 - Technical Climbing" for the undergraduate students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports during the winter semester 2020 - 2021, P.D. 407/80.
Instructor of Environmental Education and Physical Recreation activities, within the framework of the project INTERREG VPA Greece – Bulgaria 2014-2020 Cooperation program entitled: "Creation of a cross-border Water Assets Geopark in Nestos Area" (ΚΕ81977), with Scientific Project Manager, Mrs. Matsouka Ourania.
Member of the team of authors of the open academic electronic journal/academic manual: "Therapeutic Exercise and Recreation", with authors Matsouka Ourania and Nani Semina, in the context of the implementation of the OPEN ACADEMIC ELECTRONIC NOTEBOOK project ("KALLIPOS+"), which was funded by the Public Investment Program of the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.
Today she works independently as a Health and Wellness coach, supporting people to implement changes in their lifestyle, to improve their physical and mental health and, as a result, to improve their quality of life.